Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 6 Trends to Watch in Elementary Education

    The massive influx of public school students coming from homes without English fluency is requiring resources to be diverted to ESL and bilingual instruction. Teachers are in need of resources to handle students with wider ranges of language skills than ever in a single classroom. Expect a growing market for teachers fluent in more than…

  • 6 Essential SAT Tips and Strategies

    Here are 3 tips to the longer term–the year leading up to the test–and 3 for the test date. Rest before the test. Do not cram. By the night before the test, you are as ready as you can be. Sleep well and get up in time to eat breakfast and arrive early, unhurried. Nothing…

  • How to Help Children Develop Strong Computer Skills

    Computers, used properly, are powerful tools. Teach children when and how to use computers. The Right Tool for the Task Introduce students to a variety of software applications, including g spreadsheets, word processing and graphics. Be sure they learn that computers are not substitutes for their own thinking skills and creativity, but are tools to…

  • 6 Top Websites for Teaching Algebra

    Even seasoned classroom teachers and tutors need a little help at times. Check out these online resources for fresh practice exercises or extra help for struggling students. They may also help with students who are ready for more challenges than their textbook presents. ipracticemath.com is a multipurpose math website with excellent algebra resources. Practice problems…

  • Homework Tips for Parents

    Homework time is a major source of stress in some families. Here are some tips for optimizing homework time so students and families can prosper and harmony in the home can continue. Provide a space for homework to take place. Your student needs a desk or table space for writing as well as proper lighting…

  • 10 Great Books for Elementary Students

    Elementary Students should be encouraged to read for pleasure. Building reading skills is not drudgery when the books are excellent stories or poetry. Young Readers (Grades 2-4) The Frog and Toad series by Arnold Lobel is a collection children will want to read for themselves. Simple language is combined with truly interesting stories about a…

  • 8 Tools for Math Class

    Math teaching is more effective and enjoyable with the right classroom tools. Try these eight for starters: Whiteboard Compass Circles are one of the most useful geometric shapes in the math classroom. Draw perfect circles for pie charts, polar coordinates, or Venn diagrams. Simply insert a dry-erase marker in the foot-long tool, set to desired…

  • How can I tell if my child is gifted?

    If your child is intellectually gifted, you probably don’t need to ask the question. Gifted children often run as fast as they can, intellectually, and leave parents and teachers trying to catch up! Here are some things to look for in children who seem a bit more than average. We will consider children with high…

  • 5 Creative Ideas to Make Math Class Interesting

    Math classes can get stuck in a dull routine unless teachers work to keep things fresh. Keep teaching those important fundamentals, but mix it up to keep students on their toes. Let Students Struggle Americans tend to think if students struggle, that means something is wrong. The Asian view is that the struggle is an…

  • 5 Tricks to Help Kids Learn Math

    Math facts need to be automatic before students can move on to master higher math. Use a variety of means to help students commit those fundamentals to memory. Let Students “Teach” Mix things up by letting a student show the class flash cards, ask for the answer, and check it for accuracy. Elementary students may…

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